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Affiliated Ministries

Minister's Friend

Our MISSION is to come alongside the local lead pastor, staff pastor, missionary, non-profit leader, and their spouses to provide them with support, prayer, and the resources they need to fulfill their calling.

Church for Truckers

CHURCH FOR TRUCKERS is a spiritual community for those on the open road. We provide a healthy, Biblically-sound online church for drivers who aren't able to regularly attend a physical church. Our MISSION is to service this community of drivers by helping them grow in an authentic relationship with God and with one another, and to equip them to make a difference in their world.



  • You will encounter God

  • You will dive deeper into His Word

  • You'll have someone to pray with and for you

  • You will fellowship regularly with other believers

  • You will have built-in accountability with your church family

  • You'll find support in your faith journey

  • You will be equipped to serve



  1. Sunday morning church services

  2. Wednesday call-in fellowship

  3. "Sharpening Saturday" conversations

  4. Daily prayer, support, and encouragement




Our Team

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